Close forms, date in exports and more
Today's update includes 4 things that have been requested a few times in the past weeks, so we moved them up in our backlog.
Close forms
It is now possible to close forms. This can be done manually, or you can set a date on which the form should be closed. You can also use a custom text that is shown when the form is closed. Head over to the form settings and scroll down in the "General" section until you see the "Access" area.
Completion date in CSV exports and Google Sheets
We also added the date a form was submitted to the CSV exports and also to the Google Sheets sync. As for the Google Sheets sync, if you want to add those dates for existing entries / rows, we'd suggest truncating the sheet doing a manual bulk import.
Custom text for 2 minute limit
As you may know, we have a 2-minute restriction when it comes to submitting forms. You can now use your own text that is shown when a visitor tries to submit the same form multiple times. This can be changed in the global workspace settings.
PDF export with paragraph element
And last but not least... we added a checkbox to the "Paragraph / Text" element that allows you to include the text to be visible on PDF exports. So when creating or editing such a field, look for the "Include in PDF export" toggle.