Deftform Changelog

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Aug 12, 2024

Completions PDF export, inline option for radio and checkbox

This one has been requested a couple of times since we launched in April this year and we're happy to ship this today: PDF exports.

Download response as PDF

So in addition to CSV, you can now also export completions as PDF.

PDF exports are currently only available as single downloads and not via bulk export. We may add an option for this in a future update.

Inline option for radio and checkbox

We also added an option to display radio boxes and checkboxes inline, showing them in a 50/50 grid instead of underneath one another. If you have lots of options, this can greatly reduce the length of the form.

Changelog indicator added

You: "When was this added?" - Us: "Well, check our changelog." - You: "Where is it?" - Us: "You can find a link within the user menu." - You: "And where is that?" ... ðŸ™ƒ

Anyway... whenever we publish something new, we now show a red/orange dot that indicates that we added something new to our changelog. To remove the dot, simply click on "Changelog".

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