Embed improvements and extended field parameters
Today we shipped improvements for form embeds and also extended the possibility for field parameters.
Embed improvements
Since more and more of our customers embed their forms into their websites, some noted (ahem.. complained) that there is an issue with longer forms. After submitting, the height of the form would stay the same even though it should be smaller since only the "Thank you" message appears.
Another thing was that the thank you message was not always visible / in the viewport. Again, this mostly affected longer forms.
Both of these things are now corrected. After submitting an embedded form, the height is reduced to the actual, new height and we also make sure that the thank you message is visible.
Dynamic parameters for email subject and email text
This has been requested a few times in the past, and we're happy to report that this is now possible. You can now use field parameters in the email subject, email message and thank you message.

You can read more about this addition here.