Deftform Changelog

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Sep 07, 2024

Google has approved our OAuth consent screen and we have now made this integration available to all our customers.

To get started, head over to the "Notifications / Connections" settings and connect to your Google account. Please make sure to accept every scope during authentication, so the integration works as it's supposed to. Those are all non-sensitive scopes – so don't worry, we have no access to any of your other files.

You can read more about our Google Sheets integration in our help center:

Aug 17, 2024

Today we integrated support for Slack and Discord.

In addition to notifications via email, you – the admin – can now also be notified via Slack and Discord. Simply create a webhook url, add it to Deftform within the Notifications / Connections settings and assign it to any of your forms. We provide links to the respective docs on how to create a webhook url.

There are also options to directly deal with the new submission. You can either view it in your Deftform backend, download a CSV, or download a PDF. You will need to be logged-in to access those resources.

Notification within Slack