After about a month of private beta testing with a handful of our closest partners, we decided to ship the first version of Deftform: our idea of an online form builder that is affordable and easy to use.
As with all our software, we want to keep things simple and affordable. We don't aim for enterprise businesses, so we don't need to bloat our platforms with features that only a few customers may have a need for.
Deftform is no different.
Version 1.0
We are far from having the feature-set we imagined when we started. But if we just keep building features and "perfecting" every angle, we'd probably never launch. So here we are, version 1 of our online form builder. There are currently 8 field types supported with various options:
- Input (Text, Email, Phone, Datepicker)
- Textarea
- Radio
- Checkbox
- Selectbox
- Rating
- Countrylist
- Divider
- Paragraph
We are already planning file uploads for a release later this month, and will also support dark mode very soon. And we will also launch Stripe and Mollie integrations very soon, which will allow you to sell products.
We're looking forward to optimize and improve Deftform within the next weeks and months and hope you will join us on our journey.