Deftform Changelog

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© 2025 Deftform Changelog
May 18, 2024

Want to add a chat bot or an external analytics tool for your forms? That's totally possible now. Head over to the "Scripts" settings and add any third-party script that you may need. You may then apply any script to your form.

You can only assign one script to one form, so if you want to add multiple scripts to a certain form, make sure to add those within one "Script" instance. Sounds confusing, right? But it really isn't.

Please note that we monitor scripts, so don't try anything shady or we may restrict your account from using custom scripts.

May 10, 2024

It is now possible to protect forms with a captcha. There are currently two options:

  • Google reCAPTCHA
  • Math logic

We initially also wanted to support Cloudflare Turnstile as we use it for our own websites as well, but there is a limitation in place (for the number of domains) which can only be unlocked by subscribing to their Enterprise plan.

Anyway, feel free to add either the reCAPTCHA or math logic (e.g. 27 + 5) captcha to your form(s) directly within the form settings.

May 01, 2024

Today we shipped a small addition to custom form styles. You can now add a custom logo as well as a custom OG image and a header image.

When set, these will overwrite any logo or OG image that have been set in the global workspace settings. That way, you can easily create multiple branded form styles within one account.

Apr 25, 2024

It's now possible to receive a webhook notification whenever a form was submitted. Connect this notification to an automation platform like Zapier or Make to be notified however you want or add submitted data into Google Sheets, Airtable or basically whatever you need.

Head over to the "Notifications / Connections" settings to add the webhook url. It's a good idea to test webhooks with a service like

Apr 20, 2024

Today we'd like to introduce a new form field: file uploads.

By adding this new form field, participants can upload files with a limit of 30 MB per file. Multiple files can be added and you can also add multiple file upload fields to a form. There is currently no limit in place for maximum storage on an account level.

In case we implement such a limit at some point, we will make sure existing accounts still have access to any data that may exceed this limit.

Bug fixes and improvements

We also fixed quite a few bugs and improved the phone number input field. In addition, we also added support for OG images that can be added to forms.

Apr 06, 2024

Today we'd like to introduce custom form styles.

By default, a custom styling is applied to all forms. It is simple and easy on the eye. With custom form styles, you can create different styles and apply them to any of the forms. Each form can have a different look and feel.

Right now, this is limited to colors and a background image. In a future update, we will also allow different fonts.

Dark Mode

We also shipped dark mode for the backend area. We just know that this request would have come up very soon, so we're happy to get this out too.

Apr 02, 2024

After about a month of private beta testing with a handful of our closest partners, we decided to ship the first version of Deftform: our idea of an online form builder that is affordable and easy to use.

As with all our software, we want to keep things simple and affordable. We don't aim for enterprise businesses, so we don't need to bloat our platforms with features that only a few customers may have a need for.

Deftform is no different.

Version 1.0

We are far from having the feature-set we imagined when we started. But if we just keep building features and "perfecting" every angle, we'd probably never launch. So here we are, version 1 of our online form builder. There are currently 8 field types supported with various options:

  • Input (Text, Email, Phone, Datepicker)
  • Textarea
  • Radio
  • Checkbox
  • Selectbox
  • Rating
  • Countrylist
  • Divider
  • Paragraph

We are already planning file uploads for a release later this month, and will also support dark mode very soon. And we will also launch Stripe and Mollie integrations very soon, which will allow you to sell products.

We're looking forward to optimize and improve Deftform within the next weeks and months and hope you will join us on our journey.